Writing center gains extra funding, plans to add more hours

The Writing Learning Center will receive additional money from the Office of the Provost for the remainder of the academic year. The WLC intends to use this funding to hire additional tutors and increase the hours that the center is open.

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Biology department alters major requirements in order to simplify program

Geneseo’s biology department has announced changes to the major’s structure that will take effect in the fall 2018 semester. 

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Faculty fellow to evaluate feasibility of potential interdisciplinary programs

Dennis Showers will assume the position of faculty fellow and will focus on creating a new integrative learning program pursuant to the Geneseo Learning Outcomes for Baccalaureate Education. 

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College community dedicates bench, holds memorial commemoration for Savannah Williams

Geneseo celebrated the life of Savannah Williams ’16 and the contributions she made to the college at a ceremony outside of Onondaga Hall, where a bench was donated in her honor. 

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College Senate supports SUNY Indigenous Peoples’ Day resolution

The College Senate endorsed a resolution that would recognize the second Monday in October as “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” This approval accompanies other pressures on the administration to increase the representation of Native American issues outside of the classroom. 

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Admissions aims to attract New York City, international applicants

Admissions to Geneseo show a slight increase in student diversity, following efforts to boost outreach to applicants from New York City and abroad. These efforts partly reflect an attempt to mitigate the college’s rising admissions rate. 

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Student response varies after Geneseo modifies felony disclosure process

SUNY admissions will no longer ask applicants whether they have been convicted of a felony, beginning for the 2018 acceptance process. 

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Rochester Gas & Electric plans to replace pipes near College Green

Rochester Gas & Electric will start an excavation on-campus in order to commence an exploration and replacement of gas lines that run between Erwin Hall and Bailey Hall. The project may cause some blockage on the sidewalk near Bailey Hall. 

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Republican candidates win seats on Town Council, fewer Geneseo students vote

Republican candidates for Geneseo Town Council Patti LaVigne, Ronald Maxwell and Andrea Bailey won in their elections against the three opposing Democratic candidates Wesley Ebersole, Leah Fletcher and Anthony Macula. LaVigne and Maxwell will serve on the council for four years, and Bailey will serve for two years. 

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Fumes, noise from campus construction interrupt classes in Sturges Hall

Construction in Sturges Quad has led to the flow of noxious smells and consistent heavy machinery noises into Sturges Hall. The effects of the construction have caused some faculty to move their classes and offices to alternative buildings. 

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Unity rally promotes solidarity with transgender students, advocates for administrative reform

Members of the college campus participated in a demonstration in support of transgender students on Wednesday Nov. 8. The rally was partially organized in response to a quiz that adjunct professor of sociology David Sorbello presented to his students on Oct. 18, which asked students to label whether a woman was “female” or “shemale.”  

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Meadows residents face multiple car break-ins, thefts

Several criminal acts of petty larceny and criminal trespassing were committed at the Meadows of Geneseo housing community on Oct. 26 and Friday Oct. 27. Seven unlocked cars were broken into and several items were stolen. 

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Task force begins assessing process behind scholarship distribution

President Denise Battles called for the creation of the Scholarship Workflow Task Force at the beginning of the academic year. This task force will analyze the way Geneseo manages scholarships and whether it can implement new standards of procedure. 

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Geneseo Town, Village enact sustainability agendas to qualify for state grants

The Town and the Village of Geneseo have separately undertaken a series of programs to improve their clean energy policies. Each entity aims to use these initiatives to apply for grants from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. 

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Department of Career Development introduces informal career lab initiative

The Department of Career Development has launched a program aimed at helping students create resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles. Students have thus far responded positively to the new initiative. 

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New York State’s gender pay gap persists, campus community recognizes structural challenges

The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics found that in 2016 women in New York State made only 86 percent of what men earn, according to report released on Oct. 16. This report contributes to the discussion centering nation-wide on the disparities in gender pay, including in Geneseo and Western New York. 

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Lack of funds leads Geneseo to rely more on adjunct, part-time professors

Colleges across the United States have been hiring adjunct faculty members at an increasingly higher rate, according to Inside Higher Ed’s Jan. 2017 report. Geneseo has been hiring adjunct professors on a temporary basis due to an insufficient amount of funds to employ more full-time faculty.

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College Advancement initiates plan to formalize memorialization process

College Advancement has begun a yearlong process of formalizing its memorialization program. The program will manage contributions to the Geneseo Foundation that are intended for memorials of students, alumni or community members.

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Departure of assistant provost prompts Office of International Programs’ reorganization

The position of Geneseo’s Assistant Provost for International Programs is currently vacant as its former holder, Becky Lewis, has retired. Lewis served as the head of the Office of International Programs. Her retirement precipitates a partial reorganization of the remaining aspects of Geneseo’s international programs. 

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Geneseo town council candidates campaign, engage with student voters

Geneseo’s upcoming local election has prompted candidates and the Geneseo Task Force on Voter Engagement to direct their attention toward the student population’s vote. 

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