The Department of Student Life will implement two new Living-Learning Communities in Putnam and Wyoming Halls. These communities aim to supplement the existing LLCs across campus and provide a different residential experience.
Read MoreLibrary implements renovations following student feedback, critiques
Milne Library is undergoing structural renovations to provide increased study spaces for students in response to student complaints.
Read MoreStudents, staff assess effects of Cuomo’s net neutrality initiative
New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order on Jan. 24 to promote net neutrality regulations in the state.
Read MoreSUNY, Geneseo consider impacts of proposed changes to state budget
The budget process for the State of New York is now underway, as New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced earlier in January. Geneseo and the SUNY system as a whole will now begin the process of creating their own budgets for the 2019 fiscal year.
Read MoreCAS to implement online ordering in various restaurants on-campus
Campus Auxiliary Services will introduce its online ordering system in early February. The preliminary offering will be for select stations, and is intended to decrease lines and wait times for students and faculty with busy schedules, according to CAS Marketing Manager Rebecca Stewart.
Read MoreHigher nationwide influenza rates hit college
The Center for Disease Control has reported that influenza is “widespread” throughout most of the United States. Geneseo has also faced an increase in such cases.
Read MoreLocal Republicans, Democrats choose nominees for upcoming village elections
The village Democratic and Republican parties each held caucuses to decide their candidates for the municipal elections, which will take place on March 20.
Read MoreAdministrators, students react to Cuomo’s proposed marijuana study
New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo endorsed an initiative that would help to determine whether recreational marijuana should be legalized in New York State. The step toward potentially permitting recreational marijuana use has caused questions from some members of the campus community.
Read MoreProfessors awarded grant to teach about food sustainability, environmental issues
The Finger Lakes Project awarded $750 mini-grants to two Geneseo faculty members who specialize in environmental issues. The professors will use these grants to support curriculum that studies sustainability.
Read MoreCollege concludes investigation of sociology professor, questions persist about LGBTQ+ policies
The college finished its investigation of adjunct professor of sociology David Sorbello, which followed a presentation he made in October. The presentation caused concern due to its perceived transphobia.
Read MoreTexted threats to Sigma Kappa sorority result in arrest
The FBI arrested a Long Island man accused of cyberstalking and threatening Geneseo’s Sigma Kappa sorority during the fall 2017 semester.
Read MoreCollege community confused, concerned over demotion of business school dean
Former Dean of the School of Business Denise Rotondo was removed from her position in early January.
Read MoreLibrary, faculty authors navigate complicated textbook industry
High textbook costs have problematized the process for professors to publish books and for the college to distribute textbooks. In response to these difficulties, Milne Library has considered ways to skirt around potentially burdensome costs.
Read MoreLack of funding causes neuroscience major to turn away multiple applicants
Geneseo’s neuroscience major, which is in its second year, has been limited by the resources of the departments that it draws from, including chemistry, biology and psychology.
Read MoreCommission to revise statement on diversity following criticism
The Commission on Diversity and Community has commenced a redrafting of the college’s statement on diversity and community. The current statement has been under scrutiny for being outdated due to its initial creation in 2003.
Read MoreStudents consider quality of sexual assault support after number of reports rise
The issue of sexual assault on college campuses has not left Geneseo untouched, with some wondering if enough is being done.
Read MoreCampus groups to address predicted increase in student stress levels during finals
Geneseo organizations have collaborated on initiatives and programming in anticipation of a rise in mental health issues during the upcoming final examination period.
Read MoreCIT to phase out VHS players in classrooms due to obsolescence
Computing & Information Technology announced on Tuesday Nov. 28 that the office would no longer support faculty use of VHS tapes, starting in the fall 2018 semester. CIT encourages professors to shift to formats that are easier to use.
Read MoreCampus community approves of vandalism policy in wake of incidents
Geneseo has grappled with multiple vandalism cases that became prominent during the 2016-17 academic year, following the election of President Donald Trump. Overall, students feel that the college’s current policy is effective.
Read MoreCollege lacks formal academic policy for students in time of bereavement
Geneseo is one of multiple schools around the nation without a specific policy to accommodate students dealing with the loss of a loved one.
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