To the editor:
In light of the recent midterm elections, I've been hearing a great deal of joy in regard to the switch in Washington from a Republican to a Democratic majority in the House and Senate. Ironically enough, this praise has been from self-declared liberals who cannot even define their standpoint on any other issues beside the war. I don't think I've ever been so disappointed with such a vocal mass that will readily admit to not even having voted in midterms. I just hope they are ready to pay for the subsequent consequences of this election. One of the hot issues on the Democrat's ticket this year was the promise of standardizing heath care, much like the Canadian system. This idea scares me almost as much as pulling out of Iraq. This seemingly utopian concept may have been enough to blindly swing the vote, but if actually put to practice, the results may prove severely harmful on several levels: a notable increase in taxes and a decline in the quality and availability of heath care, both of which will be affecting our generation. The Democrats failed to mention this while campaigning. Having worked for the Vermont Republican Party during this year's elections, I've received a great deal of insight into these issues. Standardizing health care would mean that taxes would be increased significantly, which would only encourage the exodus of residents from the state. Unfortunately this trend would not be limited to certain states like Vermont. My second fear is that this socialist concept would attempt to bring members of the highest income on par with those of the middle and lower classes by taxing them exponentially more than they already are. In essence, income would be dictated by the state much like postal service employees, whose pay is guaranteed so there's no reason for them to work hard. Why do you think that some Canadians will hop on Greyhound buses to the United States for medical treatment? Not only do they have the potential for overall better care, they do not have to sit on waiting list, or face lines out the doors of hospitals. I just hope that Americans will be ready to pay for their choice should standardized health care go into practice. As is the case with many socialist concepts, it looks good on paper, but will only serve to deteriorate the fundamental ideals that this country was founded on. Social programs aren't what America has ever been about. It's about opportunity and the chance to acquire wealth. Social programs are European ideals, not American.
-Kerry Ernst with Michael King