Letter to the Editor: Former Geneseo staffer lauds Lamron's improvement

To the editor,

Kudos to The Lamron! As a former employee at SUNY Geneseo, I am pleased to be a regular subscriber to The Lamron. This week's edition has made me, more than ever, increasingly proud of the work that you are doing.

I don't know if the campus community has noticed, but The Lamron has made leaps and bounds in their progress, largely due to an extremely overworked and dedicated staff.

I took part in creating my college newspaper when I was a stu- dent and it takes a certain kind of person. You have to take criticism and grin and bear it. You have to work extremely long hours, receive very little or no compensation in addition to doing your regular schoolwork and/or activities. You have to be highly versed in good journalism, software and legal jargon. You have to work until 3 or 4 a.m. and drink a lot of coffee.

I received The Lamron this week and remembered my first look at the newspaper about two years ago. Although they've always done their best, their new edition is fresh, innovative and creative. They've included something crucial to their paper that sometimes in the hustle and bustle of creating gets lost at colleges and universities - the student voice. The Lamron is the best representation of Geneseo as a whole - what you stand for and what you believe in. The Lamron has managed to not only improve the overall look of their pages, but has also given that unsaid uniqueness to their words.

The Lamron, like all newspapers, will have its share of errors and mistakes. But it is important to remember that this is what keeps it exciting. It is a constant learning process. So again, kudos to the staff of The Lamron, because the recent issue not only shows that you are learning, but it also showcases your talents and is an obvious result of your tireless dedication. Be proud of yourselves. I know I am.

-Jessica E. Rood

Director of Publications SUNY Potsdam