In a row of offices inside Brodie Hall is an institution of support and dedication for students involved in the art program at Geneseo. This institution is School of the Arts secretary Cathy Reinholtz, who is retiring from her position this year.
She came to Geneseo for the job opportunities at what she called "a good place to work." She began her working her in 1971 in the Records Department and later worked in both the Accounting and Institutional Research offices. She has spent 27 years as the art department (later School of the Arts) secretary, working with students, answering phones, responding to questions, and guiding visitors around Brodie's complicated architecture. "This building can be very confusing," she noted with a smile.
Reinholtz has had many memorable experiences, and, over the years, she has learned the importance of patience and helpfulness in her profession. "I try to be informative as possible, and if I don't know an answer for a student, I will look it up myself," she said. Reinholtz recalled one particularly funny story of working in the Insitutional Research office. "My co-workers and I didn't know what slime [a popular toy of the era] was. The assistant director at the time, Richard Story, put it all over the side of my desk," she said. "Of course, right then, the president walks in."
Reinholtz's said she expects to miss the students agter she has retired. "I like working here with the students," she said. "You feel like a mother to them sometimes." Reinholtz has seen many changes to the college during her tenure. "The two newest buildings have been the biggest change, I think," she said, noting how the overall size of the College has increased.
At home, Reinholtz has no children of her own but acts as a "mother" to her Old English sheepdog, Barney. She loves to golf in her free time and has played the sport for 20 years. As for retirement, Reinholtz has one major plan in mind. She described her hopes to venture west with her husband to see the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone Park and various other attractions before driving to Mrytle Beach. "Get out and see the Grand Canyon, at the very least," she advised.
Reinholtz has fully enjoyed her time here at Geneseo, but is looking forward to her future in retirement. "It's a great job," she reiterated, adding, "I just take one day at a time. I love life!"