Bush gains support from Democrats on immigration issue

YUMA, Ariz. - In a speech on Monday, President Bush congratulated the current efforts being made to increase border security between the United States and Mexico while at the same time trying to renew support for his proposed immigration bill which failed to get approval last year.

According to Bush, "The number of people apprehended for illegally crossing our southern border is down by nearly 30 percent this year. We're making progress." His plan involves allowing the approximately 12 million illegal immigrants who are currently in the country to participate in a temporary work program. The currently undocumented immigrants could stay and work in the country with three-year work visas that could be renewed for a $3,500 fee. Those who wish to become permanent citizens within the country would have to return home, and apply at the U.S. Embassy in their own country, and enter legally with a $10,000 fine.

With a Democratic majority in Congress, this bill has the possibility of passing as most Democrats agree with Bush on the immigration issue. The Republican Party is split right down the middle. Presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani agrees with Bush, while former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney opposes granting citizenship to illegal aliens.
