What does Nov. 6 mean to you? If you are one of the 1,312 students that are registered to vote here in Geneseo, it should mean a chance to voice your opinion on whom you want to become the next Geneseo town supervisor.
With an unprecedented four candidates crowding the field and several controversial issues at stake, it will be tough for many voters to decide which lever to pull come Election Day.
We have done our research, listened to the candidates, weighed the issues and have decided to support Bob Wilcox for Geneseo town supervisor.
Wilcox understands the major issues facing our community. Time and time again Wilcox has discussed the need to bring the town and village together to collaborate on projects that will determine the future of our community. How can our area develop smartly and successfully if these two municipalities do not share a common vision? Wilcox stated, "We are one community and we all need to cooperate and act together." The current Lowe's controversy is embedded in the fact that our community does not have a common vision.
Wilcox is the only candidate for supervisor that realizes the innate flaws of the Lowe's proposal. Specialized big box stores are not the ideal way to develop our community. The Gateway District was never intended for massive retail development of the big box sort. Geneseo needs smart growth, growth that will provide career-path jobs and will encourage new families and individuals to move into the area.
What Geneseo graduate will decide to stay in the community to pursue a career as a Lowe's associate? As students, we need to support a candidate who will encourage the type of growth that will provide the type of jobs that will allow us the opportunity to settle down in this great community.
Why else should you choose Wilcox? He's still willing to learn. Regarding the supervisor's responsibility to sit on the county's board of supervisors, Wilcox has stated several times that he is planning on asking a lot of questions. It is not that Wilcox does not understand our county, but instead because he wants to learn the ins and outs of the position so that he can make the maximum contribution to our community.
Wilcox has lived in Geneseo for over 30 years and has worked as a college administrator, in a local small business, and in corporate management. With all of this experience under his belt, he is enjoying his retirement years and is looking for a way to give back to the community.
Wilcox does not need to become town supervisor to advance his future career path; he has already completed this part of life. He's running for Geneseo's future.