To the editor:
Greek life at SUNY Geneseo has been around since the 1870s and has played a large role in the academic and social lives of not only its members, but also the Geneseo students with whom it is not affiliated with. The InterGreek Council here at SUNY Geneseo consists of elected members from the 21 different fraternities, sororities and multicultural organizations that make up Greek life at Geneseo. Each organization offers ample philanthropic and social opportunities for members of the Greek and college communities and takes pride in their core beliefs of academic stimulation, diversity of their members, and leadership development.
As many are aware, over the past Halloween weekend some individuals dressed in a manner that was offensive to the college community. The actions of these two or three members has saddened and disheartened the entire Greek community. The InterGreek Council wants it to be known that these actions went against everything that all 21 of the organizations stand for, and that the actions of those few individuals were not supported by any organization affiliated with IGC. We apologize to those whom their actions have offended and can assure you that IGC is taking steps to further educate our community in order to prevent anything of this nature from happening in the future.
-Executive Board
InterGreek Council