The Lamron: How did you end up here on the Geneseo track team?
Kristin Shumway: I ran track [at Potsdam High School] from modified on, and when I came to check out the school and the track team, I really liked it, which was a huge factor in deciding to come to school at Geneseo.
The Lamron: Were you recruited by other track programs?
KS: Yes, there were other Division III schools in consideration.
The Lamron: Did you play any other sports in high school other than track?
KS: Soccer, but I haven't played competitively since then.
The Lamron: Which is your favorite event to compete in?
KS: The high jump, because it is less pressure than running, and definitely more fun and challenging.
The Lamron: Is it hard to focus on track and field events simultaneously?
KS: It is, especially when events are back-to-back, it's hard knowing in the middle of competing in the triple jump that you have to go run a race, and then come back and finish the other field events. When there are a lot of different things going on during a meet, it is hard to keep focus on everything.
The Lamron: How has your experience been training with coach Dave Prevosti?
KS: He's great. He keeps practices fun but he is also very knowledgeable, especially related to technique.
The Lamron: How was he able to help your times or scores?
KS: He's helped me with my form for high jump, since we have a different coach for sprinting; he keeps his focus in relation to me on the high jump.
The Lamron: Do you prefer indoor or outdoor track? Why?
KS: I like outdoor better, it seems like a more natural track environment when we compete outside. But the weather can really make it much more challenging to run. At SUNYACs last year it was freezing cold and pouring rain both days which really did not make the meet fun at all.
The Lamron: What is your favorite Geneseo running route?
KS: Around Country Club Road, out by the school and back around, but the great thing about Geneseo is there are hills all over the place, so the whole town could really be used for training.
The Lamron: What is your favorite track?
KS: At St. Lawrence, I ran there in high school and it's always nice to go back there.
The Lamron: How do you feel the team ran at the SUNYAC championships?
KS: Everyone put a solid effort but we came up just short. Overall, I was very proud of the way we performed.
The Lamron: Which do you like better, the 500-meter or the 400-meter?
KS: The 400, there is much more competition in the 400-meter, not everyone runs the 500 so it's more challenging.
The Lamron: Have you ever been hurt in the high jump?
KS: Not seriously, just some bumps and bruises.
The Lamron: Do you enjoy SUNYACS? Why?
KS: Yes, but it is really nerve-wracking with everyone watching and it being one of the biggest events of the year. But the level of competition makes it an enjoyable event, one that is much better when it's over, but still fun to compete in.