To the editor:
Imagine finding out one day that your entire job or a considerable amount of your hours were simply cut. For many students, including myself, this sudden hours/job cut is a reality. I walked into work at MJ last week with a job, yet walked out jobless with no warning. This job and hours cut was apparently just decided on two weeks ago, however this does not explain why a simple e-mail, letter or phone call was not sent out to students who were affected.
In a way, it's a bit ironic that when a student cannot make it to work, a courtesy phone call is requested. Decision makers at MJ, however, failed to reciprocate, and let students know with no warning that shifts and even jobs were cut. It is so inconsiderate and unfortunate that people who boast being an environment that supports the Geneseo student community told their workers that they no longer have hours, with no warning that their job was in jeopardy to begin with.
CAS is the largest student employer on campus, but has demonstrated through this decision that their students, who are supposedly their most valuable asset, are not considered much at all. In many jobs, two weeks' notice is standard when jobs are cut, but apparently this advanced notice was not required for decision makers to inform student workers. Students are not the only ones affected by this cut, either. The amazing hourly staff at MJ also feels the blow since student workers help out, especially during rush hour when MJ is packed. Student employees help prepare dishes and clean up. Now that many of their students' hours have been cut, rush hour and prepping for the next day's menu is that much more difficult.
Students tend to get jobs through CAS to help pay for college expenses including food, books and spending money. The advance notice would have softened the blow for many who rely on the regular hours and paycheck. The notice also would have been a common courtesy and a decency that employers should extend to their employees.
Leah Obertean