Although this year's graduating class will undoubtedly embark on many different paths in their post-graduate career, senior Julie Nociolo's journey may just be the most unique - she's doing it on a bike.
Nociolo is involved with Bike & Build, a non-profit organization that raises funds for affordable housing while sending participants on cross-country bike trips. Along the way, bikers stop at communities in need for a given period of time to work on house construction projects.
Nociolo first learned of the organization while working at a summer camp two years ago. According to Nociolo, involvement in Geneseo's Habitat for Humanity club and an interest in biking sparked her curiosity in the organization.
"I liked the combination of the two," she said.
Bike & Build offers several routes across the country. Nociolo's, which she will travel this summer with about 30 others, stretches from Providence, R.I. to San Francisco, Calif. - a total distance of over 3,000 miles.
To participate, Nociolo must raise a total of $4,000. With interns from the school's communication department to assist her, Nociolo has already set up a Web site and is accepting donations.
"We've exhaustively sent out mass mailings to family, friends and businesses from my hometown," she said.
Nociolo and crew are also planning several events in the hopes of raising more funds for the cause.
The first is a $4 pancake breakfast at the Interfaith Center on Saturday, Nov. 22. In addition to food, a representative from Swain Sports will be available to fix students' bicycles and offer advice on bicycle maintenance.
After her cross-country voyage, Nociolo, an English major, hopes to work in a healthcare-related non-profit organization for a year before eventually heading to law school.
"I wanted this as a buffer in between college and a full-time job," she said. "I figure this is the only time I can take off two months to do something like this."
So far, Nociolo has received positive support for her endeavor.
"Everyone's very interested," she said. "It's a pretty ambitious project, and it's exciting to be a part of."
For more information on Nociolo's project, visit