Rental service drives forward

Student Association is seeking student feedback regarding a potential car rental service that would likely carry an annual cost of over $30,000.

Students intending to use the cars would likely pay a membership fee of between $30 and $50, which would include insurance and maintenance fees as well as between 150 and 180 free miles. Students would reserve the cars in advance for a maximum of four days at a time. According to SA President Danielle Forrest, were the service to be provided, no student would be required to pay any additional fees.

SA's executive board is currently divided about whether there would be sufficient student interest to justify paying for the service, and no definite decision has been made in the choice of rental service company to be used.

"It seems like it would be a very good service," said Forrest, adding that it would be a "large financial decision." At the soonest, the service would be brought to campus next fall.

Currently, the only SUNY campus which offers a rental car service is Purchase College, but many private colleges including University of Rochester provide some form of rental cars for students.

SA Director of Public Relations Amanda Dermady said that as of Nov. 24, no students had filled out the survey distributed through "What's Up" e-mails. She said that although "people sounded excited about it" at a recent SA meeting where it was discussed, "it would be really great to have student feedback."?

Students interviewed were divided on whether the service would be useful to a large portion of the student body. "I don't think I personally would use it," said freshman Justine Rosen.

Junior Jean Danaher said "I feel like I would have used it when I was a freshman." Danaher will have her own car on campus next year.

Some students who live far from campus said that a rental car service would save them from long drives back and forth from home. "We'd be able to fly here, use a car, and fly home," said freshman Joseph Brass, who is from Long Island.

"The better feel we get for it, the better decision we'll be able to make based on what students want," said Forrest.

Students are strongly encouraged to complete a short, six question survey about whether they would use a rental car service at
