Daniel Wech, a member of the former PIGS organization whose hazing activities allegedly contributed to the death of Arman Partamian last spring, pleaded guilty on Sept. 16 to the misdemeanor charge of unlawfully dealing with a child.
Wech originally faced charges that included criminally negligent homicide, but that felony charge was dismissed by a judge, according to a Tuesday news report from WHEC in Rochester.
"He made no lengthy address to the court," Livingston County District Attorney Tom Moran told WHEC. "But I would submit to you that he was very, very remorseful. I believe this has hit him very hard, as well it should have."
Partamian died on March 1 after drinking heavily with PIGS. His blood alcohol level at the time of his death was 0.55. The college did not recognize the PIGS organization.
In lieu of his sentencing, Wech will have to spend weekends at the Livingston County Jail for three months. He will also pay a $1,000 fine.