In yet another installment of a series that no one has lost interest in, Activision delivers a fast-paced first-person shooter that will leave some people glued to their TVs for days on end.
In Modern Warfare 2, the player acts as various characters as they're told the story of a possible modern war. This style of playing is like a movie, except instead of watching, the player virtually participates in the moments on screen, allowing them to understand the story as it unfolds, and keeping him or her anxious to discover what happens next.
In addition to this remarkable storyline, there is, of course, a great multiplayer mode. As in the previous Call of Duty games, there exists a large network of online gamers ready to play at all hours of the day or night. There are also hundreds of icons and names to mix and match as the player unlocks them through multiplayer mode.
The biggest strength of the game is that even in multiplayer mode, the player unlocks new weapons and equipment as he or she levels up. This makes the game feel more like a campaign - it gives the player a sense of achievement and makes this mode even more addictive.
Also, when beginning multiplayer mode, the player has the choice of four classes that they are allowed to cycle between at any time during a match. Once the player reaches level four in multiplayer, however, they are allowed to create custom classes. If a player really wants to impress, they can unlock Prestige Mode at level 70, keeping the same level but eventually returning to unlock each bonus again.
Modern Warfare 2 is a perfect example of why the video game industry makes more money than Hollywood. This new chapter in the book of Call of Duty will not disappoint. An innovative campaign, huge multiplayer community and an extensive unlocking system make this game phenomenal.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2Available for Xbox 360, PS3, PC5 out of 5