In Case You Missed It...

In case you missed it, there's a brand new, very important public works project going on in Geneseo whose great achievements are visible all over campus.

I'm referring of course to the creation and refilling of multiple holes by large construction vehicles and groups of busy workers. Their dedication to the acts of digging and refilling sizable holes around Geneseo is a monument to what humans can achieve through a little bit of hard labor.

You may have already seen the hole that was dug and then refilled in front of the Jones Residence Hall and speculated as to the purpose of such an act. I myself have spent some time thinking about it, but nothing seemed to make sense.

I was quite worried that there may be no answer, until I noticed the new hole that was in the making near the Genesee and Ontario buildings. This magnificent little crater was truly a spectacle to behold, and could fit at least three men, perhaps even five littler folk inside.

Furthermore, the construction vehicles were moving back and forth making the most enchanting beeping noises I've ever heard. The reasoning behind making these holes just to fill them back up was now obvious to me. They are made to allow students to witness and observe the simple aesthetic pleasure of hole-making, an art that is often forgotten in this technology obsessed internet space-atomic age in which we are now living.

When I was young I used to take holes for granted. "Anyone can make a hole," I thought, not a little bit arrogantly to myself. It was until I tried to make a hole myself that I realized the painstaking effort that goes into making these simple wonders.

So next time you see four guys standing around a hole that was made in the middle of a perfectly good road, take a good look at that hole and just breathe it in. Perhaps you'll gain insight as to why we honor our dead by allowing them to reside in these wondrous creations, and then fill them again.

By creating and filling our holes, we enrich our own lives, and allow future generations to follow in our footsteps and make there own little holes.