In Case You Missed It...

In case you missed it, the reality show genius that is "Project Runway" is now back for it's seventh season. Bring on the chiffon, the silk charmeuse and a bunch of other fabric names gained from my level of fan-dom.

As much as it may make people question my sanity, I have no qualms admitting that I've seen every episode of the show at least once, and mostly twice. I can speak eloquently about the failings of Angela's fleurchons, the hilarity of Santino's Tim Gunn impression, and quote back every one of Christian's sound bites. I can rank the seasons according to the most talented designers, best models and best Nina Garcia quotes.

But alas, this has not recently served me as well as it should. Whereas in high school, I could freely gossip and squeal around lunch tables with my fellow PR minions about how cute Daniel Vosovic was (and how he is totally NOT gay!), I'm at a loss here. It seems that people have lost their steam for the very show that keeps me going!

Yes, I can admit that season six was a bit of a clunker, both in personality and talent (and judges, am I right?...anyone?). However, the show has left its stale setting of LA and returned to its fashion roots in New York, thus re-infusing it with just enough oomph for Tim Gunn to utter his famous "Make It Work" mantra with even more pizzazz.

Here is my humble plea to you, Geneseo PR-watchers. Find me. Let's talk at length about our predictions for the current season and wince about the post-show "Models of the Runway." We'll talk about how Ping was crazy, but we think she shouldn't have gotten eliminated. We'll sit at the edge of our seats when designers throw each other under the bus during team challenges. It will be a grand time.

I apologize to you, unsuspecting reader who doesn't understand these references, but not really. If I have to listen to the ramblings of "LOST" fans and incessant quoting of "The Office," then you can suck it up and listen to me tout my "Project Runway" knowledge.