Enthusiastic, animated and caffeinated members of Geneseo's student television station hosted GSTV's ninth annual 24-hour telethon in the College Union lobby starting last Friday at 2 p.m., and lasting until Saturday afternoon.
The annual telethon is a tradition that GSTV started to raise money for either a charity or an organization. This year GSTV chose to donate all proceeds to the El Sauce service program in Nicaragua. Senior Kim Perilla, special events coordinator for GSTV and organizer of the telethon, said that because of the telethon, GSTV was able to raise over $350 for the program this year.
The telethon involved 24 hours of live programming, which included a multitude of performers and acts that entertained the amassed crowds and passersby. GSTV additionally aired live broadcasts of their original programming like "SNEWS," "50: ½ of 100," "NewScene4," "SportsBlock," "Wiseasses," "Co-Ed Dorms" and a live rendition of "Sabotage."
Throughout the telethon - between acts and performances - photographs, donated by students who went on the El Sauce service trip, were broadcasted live to remind students of the cause for donations.
Senior and general manager of GSTV Kate Palumbo said that the telethon was a great success. This success can be attributed to all of the GSTV members who "were literally in the Union helping out with things for up to six hours at a time. Some even almost the entire time of the telethon with napping breaks here and there."
"I was in the Union for 14 hours straight, and it was totally worth it," said sophomore and active GSTV member Adam Pelletier. "I had so much fun and I was aired on four out of the five shows. By the fifth show, I fell asleep at the teleprompter, but overall it was a great experience and I anxiously anticipate next year's telethon."
GSTV already has 24-hour programming, but only about one to two hours per day during the week are live. Other programming includes previously broadcasted shows and performances on campus. GSTV can be viewed on channel four on any on-campus television.