DIY: Liven empty walls with fancy frames

Last week was the college poster sale, but for those of you who didn’t find a suitable poster, barren walls are hard to avoid. Here’s an easy do-it-yourself art idea to make custom wall decorations.

1. Buy a few cheap plastic frames in whatever sizes you like. My suggestion is to make an asymmetrical wall cluster with small and medium sized-frames.

2. Buy wrapping paper in various colors and designs. Try using a theme of one or two colors, mixing a few solid colors with patterns. You can also use scrapbooking paper.

3.Take apart the frame and use the paper insert inside to cut the wrapping paper to the right size. Remember that wrapping paper tears easily, so be careful!

4. Insert the paper into the frame. Repeat for each individual frame you plan to hang.

5. Use mounting putty to arrange your frames on the wall.

If this seems too simple for you, remember that you can add your own style by cutting shapes out of the wrapping paper and adding layers. Here’s an idea for one individual, personalized frame design.

1. Cut a solid-colored piece of wrapping paper to the size of the frame.

2. Find a map of your home state and, keeping your hometown in the center of the area you plan to cut out, cut the map to fit the frame.

3. Cut a large heart out of the center of the wrapping paper.

4. Glue the map to the back of the wrapping paper with your hometown in the middle of the heart.

5. Make a small sign saying something personal about your hometown, such as “Home Sweet Home,” and glue it underneath the heart on the front of the picture. Alternatively, you can write your message on the wrapping paper using a black marker.