PhiDE's unique fashion show raises money for charity

Students strutted their stuff down the Phi Delta Epsilon medical fraternity’s—otherwise known as PhiDE—Anatomy Fashion Show runway on Sunday Oct. 25 in honor of the Children’s Miracle Network.

With loud, encouraging cheers and a bright spotlight shining down, students showed off intricately painted representations of the human anatomy. This lively event was not only a night to remember, but a philanthropic success.

“As a new professional fraternity, the event established a stronger identity for PhiDE on campus,” PhiDE president senior James Mattson said.

Before the five model groups showed off their colorfully painted versions of six of the body systems, a jazz ensemble performed on stage. Soon, the seats around the runway started to fill and a hush fell upon the MacVittie College Union Ballroom. A meaningful video about CMN then played, focusing on the organization’s mission to give care to children by raising money for research, training and purchasing equipment for local hospitals.

After the video, the audience turned their attention to Mattson and vice president of finance senior Justin Ongkingco—both sporting painted skeletal face makeup as they introduced the show.

The first model group that took the stage was Alpha Kappa Phi sorority representing the skeletal system. This black and white depiction of human bones was a striking and relevant way to introduce the show, considering Halloween is rapidly approaching. Geneseo men’s “Warthog” rugby came on next as the gastrointestinal system.

These two energetic groups were followed with a break from the anatomical festivities with Sláinte, Geneseo’s Irish dance group, who did a three dance set. Following their final hard shoe a capella piece, there was a loud applause.

Biology Club then transitioned back to the runway show with the reproductive system, followed by Alpha Chi Rho fraternity—better known as Crows—representing the muscular and lymphatic systems. The full body muscular system was a very impressive piece of art and was a showstopper.

The Geneseo Bhangra Team also made an appearance, performing an upbeat dance that utilized various styles of dance and props to form a fantastic compilation. After Bhangra finished their compelling performance, the last two groups went down the runway.

First was Geneseo’s men’s swimming team, breathing even more life into the show as the respiratory system. The team appeared to be having a lot of fun with their walk down the runway, even throwing their pants off to walk out in their Speedos. They ended with a flip off of the stage.

Finishing off the runway show portion of the night was host PhiDE, presenting a superb singing and guitar duet with PhiDE members junior Hannah Loo and sophomore Hanna Scalzetti.

The night concluded with an electronic vote from the audience for their favorite modeling group, resulting in a win for Crows. The true achievement for the night, however, was the $1,000 was raised for CMN. With the hard work of members to adapt this national PhiDE tradition and the support of local business donations from Uptown Tan, Mamma Mia’s, Body and Face Spa, The Village Cafe and Applebee’s, the night came together perfectly.

“This event meant a lot to PhiDE here at Geneseo. Considering that this was our first time putting on this event, I would definitely consider it a success,” Mattson said. “I am proud to be a part of such a great organization.” u