The Geneseo Insomnia Film Festival Overlords presented awards for the school’s annual film festival on Geneseo Recognizing Excellence, Achievement & Talent Day. This film festival is unique in that it requires participants to work within a 24-hour consecutive time period. The short movie must be no longer than three minutes, forcing teams to use their time efficiently and creatively. The elements that the teams choose from to incorporate into their films are vastly different and are designed to get the most creativity out of the participants. For example, in the form of hashtags, teams used #DollyPardon—requiring groups to use a dolly/tracking shot using a wheeled device. More extreme elements included a shrine dedicated to former Geneseo President Christopher Dahl and a point-of-view shot using a drone-based camera.
Competition was more heated than in past years, possibly due to the fact that many teams brought back experienced “Insomniacs.” Independent judges—who rotate every year to ensure impartiality—rate each movie on a scale of one to five across four different categories: impact, cinematography, story and gestalt.
When the 21-hour mark hits, teams can be seen pouring into the computer lab and rushing to edit their videos to get them submitted. With almost everyone sipping on an energy drink just to keep their wits about them, there is sure to be laughing and the occasional emotional break down. To be an “Insomniac,” however, one must be willing to have that emotional break down at the wire. That’s why the GIFF prides itself on for returning participants—everyone wants to make another video and have another shot at the Joey.
The Joey—a more handsome version of an Oscar—is based on the likeness of event supervisor Joseph Dolce. Dolce has been the driving force of the annual GIFF contest, staying on campus to assist teams throughout the entire 24-hour time period.
But Dolce could not conquer the tall task without the wisdom of Assistant Director & Manager for Systems & Networking Kirk Anne. Anne works on campus as a part of the CIT Professional Staff. Dolce and Anne are instrumental to running a smooth program every year.
Third place was awarded to Reel Team Six, winning a $200 Geneseo Bookstore gift card and the much coveted Joey. Second place was awarded to Team Rocket for their production of Missing, which is an eerie film of a missing woman with a surprising twist at the end. Finally, [Team Name] was awarded the first place Joey, up from second place last year.
First and second place are awarded $400 and $300 in Amazon gift cards respectively. Many teams participate because of the opportunity to have creative range and to express themselves through a unique outlet, but, of course, the money is a significant motivator for any college student.