Geneseo requires accessible 24-hour study space on-campus

One of the many attributes that comes with being a Geneseo student is working under pressure. It is not uncommon for students to have multiple exams all on the same day. While our college offers many outlets and resources for students to receive academic help, Geneseo should offer a place for students to study 24 hours of the day, year-round. 

Geneseo provides resources such as the Writing Learning Center, student information sessions, tutoring, office hours with professors as well as many other academic support programs. These are all helpful tools that allow students to get the assistance they need to survive in a rigorous college environment. 

Developing a 24-hour open study space, however, is essential for students and would help them succeed further. This would allow students to remain in one place and remain focused until they have completed their work. Geneseo should offer a place for students to study 24 hours year-round, not just granting additional library hours during finals week.

There is nothing more disturbing than being in the middle of writing a paper or making a study guide than having the cleaners or employees tell you the building is closing and that you need to leave. It throws off a student’s momentum and might cause them to forget that powerful line or important equation. 

Many other prestigious colleges have 24-hour libraries and study halls, such as the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University, as reported by Noodle. 

Geneseo must continue following in the footsteps of other schools and give students 24-hour study spaces. In order to always have a place to meet with study groups and get work done, it is imperative to have such a space available to students.

While some argue against 24-hour study areas, claiming that they lead to unhealthy study habits and messes with students sleep schedules, these impacts after a late night study session depend on the student.

For example, a student Joe Noonan explained how when studying in the wee hours of the night he never produced his best work, and how miserable and sluggish he felt after the fact, according to the Huffington Post. This is a personal choice, however, and in the end it comes down to a student’s study and work habits. They must learn how to manage their time responsibly and know what study tactics work best for them. 

Some people, like many students at Geneseo, are more efficient when working at night. A 24-hour study place would give students more flexibility when it comes to completing their work. Geneseo is doing a great job of pushing its students toward academic excellence, but having more spaces to study would be another step in that direction.
