Knight of the Week: Hannah Millich

Junior forward Hannah Millich brings both skill and positivity to the Geneseo women’s lacrosse program. After she graduates, Millich hopes to bring her positive attitude into the classroom as a special education teacher. (Ash Dean/Photo Editor)

Every team has that player who is not only loved by everyone for their personality, but is also a key part of the teams’ success. For the Geneseo women’s lacrosse team, that player is junior forward Hannah Millich. 

Millich hails from Black River, New York, which is located near Syracuse. She is currently a childhood with special education major with a concentration in Spanish.  

Prior to her attendance at Geneseo, Millich attended Carthage High School, where she played three sports and took a few college level courses; there, she was also a member of the National Honor Society. When she was not busy with sports or schoolwork, Millich volunteered her spare time to work in a special education classroom. It was this volunteer opportunity that made Millich realize that being a special education teacher was the path that she wanted to take with her life. 

Millich’s lacrosse career began in the sixth grade when, after seeing her friends pick up the sport, she decided to try it for herself. She immediately fell in love with the game and has been playing lacrosse ever since. 

Her passion for the sport is contagious, as she brings a positive attitude to every team that she has played for. The Knights are fortunate enough to be able to experience this positivity now, as Millich comes into every practice and game with the motivation to get better and be successful. 

Selflessness is a vital quality for an athlete to have, especially when playing a team sport. Millich has this quality, which she made clear when talking about her own achievements. 

“I honestly give all my teammates the credit. We all help each other be successful and set each other up for success,” Millich said in an email interview. “I wouldn’t [score] goals if it weren’t for them making plays happen or getting the pass off for me to be able to score. We all have an amazing chemistry and it has truly shown.” 

Despite all of her accomplishments, Millich maintains this noble attitude, which is something that not all athletes possess.  

Some of Millich’s fondest memories from her experience as a Knight come from the team’s spring break trips to Florida. She loves having the opportunity to switch things up after playing in the cold Geneseo weather. 

“Spring break trips have always been one of the best memories with the team, as everyone gets really close and it is your 26 best friends in a warm place playing the game you love,” she said. 

Outside of her busy lacrosse schedule, Millich has made time to tutor for the Learning Independence, Vocational and Educational Skills program here on campus. She loves to help others, and this experience will certainly help her in her future with teaching. 

Millich chose Geneseo because of its academic reputation and lacrosse program. Geneseo allows her to pursue her dreams of becoming a special education teacher while also letting her to play on a renowned lacrosse team. 

“I feel confident in getting a job right out of school with a degree from Geneseo,” Millich said. “I have had the best years of my life with a school that gave me a great education and allowed me to play on the women’s lacrosse team.”