For the 75th Golden Globe Awards on Jan. 7, Hollywood sparked a successful nationwide conversation about sexual assault that will continue for many years to come. Hosted by late night talk show host Seth Meyers, the event became a platform for advocates against sexual harassment after allegations were brought to light pertaining to Hollywood men and the start of the worldwide “#MeToo” movement.
The men and women who attended the ceremony wore black in honor of the victims who have made accusations regarding the inappropriate sexual behavior of men against women. By showing their support, the attendees aligned themselves in solidarity with the victims who have or have yet to come forward in sharing their story.
The actors discussed assault and gender inequality on the red carpet alongside strong anti-sexual abuse activists, whom many had taken as their dates for the evening. Together, they shared valuable knowledge about harassment, which informed the public on the topic.
Meyers elicited some comic relief by making jabs against the men in Hollywood who were accused of sexual misconduct. His jokes took power away from the abusive men and encouraged justice for women. Other men, like Chris Hemsworth, became involved by speaking out against harassment and wearing the “#TimesUp” pin. The female winners addressed the importance of the movement in their acceptance speeches.
While many women brought attention to the issue, Oprah Winfrey stole the show when she gave her acceptance speech for the Cecil B. DeMille award, making her the first black woman to be honored with the esteemed recognition.
As part of her speech, Winfrey told a story about Recy Taylor, a young black woman who was kidnapped and raped by six white men in 1944. Taylor’s story and Winfrey’s speech hit home for many audience members and ended with a well-deserved standing ovation.
“So, I want all the girls watching here, now, to know that a new day is on the horizon! And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women … and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say, ‘me too’ again,” Winfrey said.
Women like Winfrey and the men involved in the occasion made the first public Hollywood showcase a successful response to all of the gruesome truths that have surfaced over the past couple of months. The purpose of Hollywood celebrities speaking up and wearing black during the Golden Globe’s was to raise consciousness of sexual assault. Sexual harassment will not end overnight; however, if the discussions continue, in the future there can be a day when the abusers’ time is finally up.