Letter to the Editor: Article unreasonably opposes Kavanaugh nomination

Editor’s Note: This letter was originally published in the Oct. 4 print edition of The Lamron. We apologize for the delay.

Letter to the editor,

Throughout the recent controversy surrounding the confirmation hearings of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, several disturbing themes have cropped up. A previous article in the Sept. 20 edition of this publication asserted that Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed because of his “extreme conservative bent … and his alleged rape of a woman in high school.” Regarding the writer’s concern that Brett Kavanaugh possesses an “extreme conservative bent,” Kavanaugh has received a “well-qualified” rating from the American Bar Association, even after previous claims of his conservative bias in prior confirmation hearings for a different judgeship. As for the rape allegation, due process has not ceased to exist solely because Donald Trump is the President of the United States. Accusation doesn’t equal proof. Not a single witness has confirmed Christine Blasey Ford’s version of events. I look forward to seeing the results of a one-week long FBI investigation. If Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein or Congresswoman Anna Eshoo had wanted a longer investigation, they should have alerted the FBI about it in July when they received the letter.


James Connolly

President, Geneseo College Republicans