Students for Bernie is a political club on campus that advocates for Bernie Sanders and supports his views and his position as a presidential candidate. Psychology major senior and president of the club Samuel Smith is a passionate supporter of Sanders, as he believes Sanders’ views are the most representative of what is necessary in today’s society.
While Smith does have his personal views pertaining to Sanders, he explains his willingness to engage in discussions with people whether their political perspective is similar to his or not.
“My first question to people is always ‘What’s the biggest issue to you?’ [and] ‘What means the most to you this election?’” Smith said.
He explains that one of the most important reasons to engage in these types of discussions with people is to create more awareness for the views of people who hold positions of power in the country. Smith wants to spread more awareness of Sanders’ candidacy on the Geneseo campus to educate students.
Smith further explained that, as a student on campus, he feels comfortable expressing himself politically. He finds that people are open to discussing how they feel, in a mature fashion.
“I feel very comfortable sharing my political views on campus … Even people who disagree with me have been mature and willing to have discussions,” said Smith.
Upon elaborating on his views, which appear representative of other members of the club, too, Smith explained the basic three values that members believe in.
“Three issues that we care about most are that health care is a universal right, [a] human right … action is needed on climate change … and that access to education is just as much of a right as speech,” said Smith.
Smith invites all students to their meetings on Thursday evenings in South Hall. He encourages that students attend, regardless of their political views.