Residents of Wyoming Hall were notified via email from Area Coordinator of Wyoming, Allegany and Genesee Marissa Reed Schlitter on Nov. 27 about a number of acts of vandalism and maintenance concerns that had occurred in the building during the course of last month.
Read MoreMcMurray concedes to Collins, invokes response from campus
Democratic candidate Nathan McMurray conceded to Republican incumbent Chris Collins in the 27th Congressional election on Monday Nov. 26, prompting reflections from the college community about future developments in light of Collins’s indictment on federal insider trading charges.
Read MoreCampus responds to Crosby allegations, demands greater punitive actions from administration
Following The Lamron’s article on Nov. 15 detailing allegations of an improper relationship between a former student and professor of history Emilye Crosby, members of the college community took to various platforms to express dissatisfaction with a lack of administrative action to the specific incident.
Read MoreProfessor, students participate in NASA’s Mars landing mission
Assistant professor of geological sciences Nick Warner and two geological science students partook in research for NASA’s Mars landing mission. NASA’s Mars Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport probe concluded its seven-month, 300-mile-long journey when it successfully touched base near the red planet’s equator on Monday Nov. 26.
Read MoreTownhouse parking regulations upset residents, cause confusion for students
Townhouse residents were formally informed that they are no longer allowed to use the area between townhouses as a loading dock. This move came partly as a result of a student receiving a Village ticket from University Police.
Read MoreCollege reformats financial aid policy, attempts to clarify aid-eligible courses
Geneseo has acquired Student Information and Campus Administration technology that will help the Office of Financial Aid enforce the federal and state policy that states that financial aid can only be awarded to courses that are required for a student’s degree.
Read MoreGCAB rethinks aspects of off-campus concerts, plans ahead for future events next semester
The Geneseo Campus Activities Board will continue to host off-campus trips to concerts in the area after assessing safety procedures and retraining chaperones to handle crises.
Read MoreCollege Senate addresses proposal to recognize ASL as foreign language
The College Senate has begun formal discussions over a proposal to count American Sign Language as credit toward the college’s foreign language requirement.
Read MoreMen’s club rugby team raises concerns over unsafe practice conditions, player injuries
The Geneseo men’s rugby team has raised concerns over lack of administrative cooperation in reassessing agreement for new playing field after reports of injuries.
Read MoreFormer student alleges professor engaged in prolonged, improper relationship
A former Geneseo student has alleged that professor of history Emilye Crosby sustained a relationship with the student for multiple months in 2003. The alumna characterized the relationship as abusive and damaging to her academic career.
Read MoreWage gap affects female professors across departments, SUNY-wide union looks to find solution to the issue
For three different departments at the college—biology, business, and political science—there is a significant gender wage gap, affecting science, technology, engineering, math and humanities programs at Geneseo.
Read MoreConstruction in Sturges Quad will continue so as to satisfy regulations
A small staircase located on the south side of Blake Hall that was completed during the Sturges Quad construction failed to pass regulation due to incorrect measurements and an improper concrete pour.
Read MoreHigh level of students participate in midterm elections, Republicans win district
Midterm elections took place on Nov. 6 all across the United States. A highly anticipated election given the current division in the country, the local and national results have garnered varied reactions around campus.
Read MorePetition to provide local buses to students staying on campus during breaks gains support
A Geneseo Speaks petition posted on Thursday Nov. 1 drew attention to the lack of bus access for students who stay on campus during extended breaks from classes. The petition has increased awareness around campus about the issue facing the affected individuals.
Read MoreCollege receives competitive grant to pilot Western Humanities course centered around black studies
The college received a grant from the Modern Languages Association to construct a humanities course that would explicitly focus on black studies. The course will likely be held in the fall of 2019 and will be taught by professor of English and co-chair of the black studies department Maria Lima, according to associate professor of English and Director of the Center of Integrative Learning Lytton Smith.
Read MoreStrategic Planning Group will convene committee to assess inclusivity, further goals
Geneseo’s strategic planning group continues to work on revising current goals to meet the college’s priorities and vision, including the expansion of both student and faculty diversity on campus.
Read MoreCAS student employee questions high costs in dining halls, lack of business transparency
Campus Auxiliary Services student employees have raised concerns over the food prices, low wages for employees and unclear decision making from the organization.
Read MoreGeneseo receives fewer transfer students in 2017 compared to previous years
Transfer student enrollment at Geneseo has decreased overall for the past five years as a result of smaller New York high school graduation rates and reduction of the GAP program.
Read MoreCollege community promotes voting, helps students register for elections
The elections on Tuesday Nov. 6 have received increased attention from students due to controversy surrounding the Trump administration. Members of the college community continue to emphasize the importance of student participation in elections through programming, posters and events.
Read MoreStudent Life implements online form to address complaints from RAs
Assistant Residence Directors and Resident Assistants on campus received notice from the Inter-Residence Council detailing a new anonymous RA forum initiative to help them give constructive criticism without fear, according to SA Director of Inter-Residence Affairs and IRC Representative Emily Matura.
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