Women athletes have long been pushed to the side, if not ignored altogether. It is of the utmost importance that the Winter Olympics break this trend and gives female athletes the recognition and praise they rightfully deserve.
Read MoreDespite increasing female viewership, Super Bowl commercials lack presence of women
Early February marked Super Bowl LII, one of the most watched events in the entire country.
Read MoreAdvantages of emotional support animals unjustly diminished by publicized misuse
Many individuals need emotional support animals to help with anxiety disorders or depression. Some individuals, however, are taking advantage of this phenomenon and trying to pass their pets off as such to sneak them into public places.
Read MoreBlatant ignorance toward War on Terror plays role in allowing violence to persist
Acknowledging how the War on Terror can affect a small college town in Western New York is an incredibly difficult, yet an important task, that students often fail to do.
Read MoreDrawbacks to celebrities in office evident through current pop culture, political climate
When Kanye West announced his run for presidency in 2015, most of the general public didn’t take him seriously, seeing it as a publicity stunt and something that could never happen. Two and a half years ago, the idea of a celebrity running for a major political office would have been brushed off as a joke, but today, it seems to be the reality
Read MoreMiddle school schooting by student in Los Angeles demonstrates importance of gun safety regulations
A 12-year-old girl, according to the Los Angeles Police Department, unintentionally fired a semi-automatic gun at Sal Castro Middle School on Thursday Feb. 1.
Read MoreDespite baseless criticism, Women’s March continues to inspire change
This January marked the second annual Women’s March, an event where millions of protestors took to the streets with picket signs and “pussy hats.”
Read MoreRhimes’s distinguished entertainment career exemplifies resilient, honest storytelling
Over the last decade, Thursday nights have become a national event for fans of Shonda Rhimes’s television shows, namely “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Scandal” and “How to Get Away with Murder.”
Read MorePotential deportation of immigrant professor highlights dangers of ICE, Trump administration
There has been major controversy surrounding the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement fueled by the national political climate.
Read MoreGeneseo continues to fail in properly crediting artists for their work
The Geneseo Study Abroad Office informed returning students on Oct. 23 that they would be holding a photo contest for people who traveled under a SUNY program between the fall of 2016 and the fall of 2017. The contest, however well intentioned, has some serious problems when it comes to giving credit to students’ artwork.
Read MoreUnited States Army threatens stability of potential recruits by lifting ban on waivers for mental illnesses
The United States Army discreetly lifted the ban on waivers for possible recruits with a history of mental illnesses in early 2017, according to USA Today.
Read MoreVictims testifying in sexual assault cases deserve respect in United States courts
In the wake of the Dr. Lawrence G. Nassar conviction, it’s clear the case shed a crucial light on sexual assault, and also raised important questions about how to properly treat victims throughout trials.
Read MoreImproved conversations on sex will increase understanding, prevent assault
Many individuals falsely interpret sexual assault as consisting of a dark alley, a masked man and the victim. In this warped perception, the victim will scream and put up a fight—but this does not account for all versions of sexual assault.
Read MoreCape Town crisis highlights need for greater water conservation
The water levels are dangerously low in Cape Town, South Africa, according to The New York Times.
Read MoreLack of government competence proves helpful in blocking potentially detrimental lawmaking
The recent government shutdown has sparked debate over what can be done to make the legislative branch more effective in achieving its goals. It has a plethora of shortcomings, and the arguments around how to fix its inefficiencies have ranged from diminishing political polarization to completely restructuring the Senate.
Read MoreAward shows continue to undervalue horror films worthy of recognition
It’s no secret that the most successful movie of the year doesn’t always win—or even get nominated at the Oscars.
Read MoreStaff Editorial: Educational programs necessary to deter adolescents from vaping
The use of e-cigarettes has become an increasingly popular phenomenon, particularly among teenagers and on college campuses.
Read MoreGlorification of test scores in education distorts perception of accomplishment
When one is asked how they did in school, whether it is in elementary school or the last year of college, the question has an implied follow up: what grades did you get?
Read MoreGeneseo student body must extend respect, work with administration to receive desired transparency
One of the qualities that makes Geneseo a special place to earn a degree is the plethora of talented, intelligent and passionate students. The ability of our campus to band together and support one another, especially in the midst of tragedy or controversy, is incredible.
Read MoreSexual assault accusation against Ansari highlights gray area, dangers of modern hook-up culture
After an exposé titled, “I went on a date with Aziz Ansari. It turned into the worst night of my life” was published on the Babe.net in January, controversy sparked surrounding Ansari’s actions during this date.
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