Lamar rightfully awarded Pulitzer Prize recognizing hip-hop, politically significant art

Hip-hop musician Kendrick Lamar received a Pulitzer Prize for his album DAMN. This victory for Lamar is significant, not only for rap music, but for making an important statement in the current political climate.

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Geneseo ONE VOICE campaign features dedicated athletes on-campus, explores individuality, personal accomplishments

The belief that student athletes have it all is not unheard of. With possible perks, such as increased academic priority and higher quality workout facilities, plus a wider social circle and notable popularity in the student body, many argue that the student athlete lifestyle is one to envy.

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Tommy Hilfiger Adaptive leads industry in inclusive fashion, creates accommodating design changes for physically disabled individuals

Tommy Hilfiger released a new line called Tommy Hilfiger Adaptive, which features clothing comfortable and easy to wear for all individuals, according to Buzzfeed. These clothing items were designed for the physically disabled and they cater to these individuals’ specific disabilities.

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Imperative for college attendees to receive more than job prep from higher education institutions

It seems that the focus of higher education is mainly for students to have a successful career. While such a goal is important for these institutions and for students, college attendees must demand that universities shift their emphasis to teaching critical thinking skills as well. 

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Progressive New York decision to provide free female sanitary products in schools shows requirement for gender equality

Free feminine hygiene products will now be provided to girls in grades six through 12 in New York State public schools, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced in a tweet on April 2. 

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YouTube headquarters shooting continues to indicate severity of gun violence in U.S.

The United States, unfortunately, witnessed yet another act of gun violence in San Bruno, Calif., at YouTube’s headquarters on April 3, according to The Washington Post. 

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Campus community must hold administration accountable, needs explanation regarding School of Business Dean removal

Communication is essential between the administration and students on a college campus. In order to build trust and create a mutually beneficial relationship, it is vital that faculty keeps students informed and vice versa.

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Homelessness continues to be increasingly relevant despite society’s desensitization

Homelessness is an issue that is extremely prevalent, but it seems that no one takes it seriously because it is so commonplace. There were around 553,742 homeless individuals living in the United States as of January 2017, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness. 

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Cheap clothing brands hurt environment, unethically exploit poorly paid laborers

College students often turn toward fast fashion brands like Forever 21 and H&M due to their affordable price tags. Unfortunately, these prices come at a cost.

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Song piracy mistakenly perceived as detrimental to music industry

Most people have had some experience with music piracy, whether they are willing to admit it or not. Piracy seems immoral because it hurts artists and it’s illegal, but a study shows downloading audio content without paying may not be so harmful for the industry. 

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Public must pressure Russian politicians for progressive legislation to protect victims of sexual harassment

Several Russian journalists have accused Russian State Duma lawmaker Leonid Slutsky of sexual harassment, according to The New York Times. The Russian government has denied these accusations, and such a response is appalling. 

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Sexist rules for NFL cheerleaders indicate necessity to change athletic industry policies

While professional athletes, especially National Football League players, are treated with the upmost respect, the cheerleaders at their games face less than ideal working conditions. This is absolutely unfair. Cheerleaders deserve to be treated like the athletes they are, not simply as accessories or objects.

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Katy Perry’s inappropriate sexual behavior on “American Idol” deserves consequences

The 16th season of “American Idol” premiered on March 11 and featured a panel of new judges, including pop singer Katy Perry. Since her debut on the singing competition television series, Perry has demonstrated inappropriate behavior, which arguably borders on sexual harassment. 

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Political leaders’ use of social media proves immaturity, must take position seriously

During the week of March 19,  the country had the pleasure of witnessing two political professionals in their 70’s face off on various forms of media. This argument was about nothing more than who would win in a fight. 

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Adults’ unrealistic expectations following shooting puts unneeded pressure on students

Lately, it seems as though the United States media are overcome with the issue of gun control. Scrolling through Facebook entails the inevitable post about mass shooting statistics; checking Twitter reveals political cartoons regarding the second amendment; turning on the morning news warrants footage from protests and rallies. 

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Organ harvesting opt-in process unacceptable, necessary to encourages increase in donations

Donating one’s organs, tissue and cornea can save 75 lives, according to Donate Life, yet every day 22 people die waiting for an organ donation. 

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Response to Hawking’s death highlights issues with public perception of disabled individuals

British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking passed away on March 14. Hawking’s achievements throughout his life were limitless, yet obituaries presented by major news corporations wrongly presented his disability as something that, in his passing, he became free of. 

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Inclusion of citizenship question in census unjustly targets immigrants, will result in skewed data

The United States Department of Justice’s request to add a question concerning citizenship to the U.S. census was approved on Monday March 26, according to CNN. 

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System for organized sports demeans female, gender non-conforming individuals through sexist tendencies

While we’ve managed to eliminate sex and gender segregation across many different fronts within the last decade, there is still one place remaining where men and women are strictly kept apart: sports.

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Increasing need for swift abolition of destructive Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency

The federal government has done nothing to find a reasonable solution to the number of immigrants without documentation living in the United States. While many factors have prevented progress, the state of immigration enforcement has helped sew distrust and stall compromise. 

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