New Lamron Web site a welcome change for alumnus

To the editor:

Congratulations to The Lamron staff and the students of Geneseo on the much needed update to the online version of The Lamron.

I am proud to be a Geneseo alumnus and have been frustrated in recent years by the intermittent updating of the paper's online counterpart. Newsletters from the Alumni office are a great service, but it is also important to see the students' perspective on campus and world events.

The Lamron was always an important part of campus life as I experienced it and the new Web site is a great way for graduates to stay connected. Keep up the good work.

-Robert Eingurt

Class of `98

Letter to the Editor: Myopia a dangerous possibility for students

Many students become myopic (nearsighted) during their school years. Having to wear glasses the rest of your life is the least of it.

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Letter to the Editor: Mexican partner college administration shuts down student newspaper

I am writing on behalf of La Catarina staff, the student's newspaper from the Universidad de las Americas in Mexico (UDLA). Our paper was published every Wednesday, since March 5 2000. Last Tuesday Jan. 16 our school's administration prevented the newspaper from being printed.

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Letter to the Editor: Athletic fee unfair when facilities are inaccessible

Over the past two years Geneseo gym facilities have constantly been unavailable to students wishing to play pickup sports such as basketball or soccer. It is very unfair to charge a $156.50 athletic fee per semester to each student when it gets them little else than free admission to our school's Division III athletic events.

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Letter to the Editor: Trash cans on MJ's top floor are impractical

I was rather angered by the Nov. 30 Staff Editorial entitled "CAS must replace garbage receptacles in top floor of MJ." I work in the dish room almost every day at MJ, and although garbage cans would be nice up there, I thought the reasoning was totally absurd.

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Letter to the Editor: Former copy editor compliments Lamron's changes

When I was a freshman at Geneseo back in 2001, I recall the times in the now defunct Union dining hall (there was once a Taco Bell there; when it was shut down, the period of void before it reopened in Mary Jemison was sheer torture) when I used to read the free Lamrons that were distributed in the Union.

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Letter to the Editor: Former Geneseo staffer lauds Lamron's improvement

Kudos to The Lamron! As a former employee at SUNY Geneseo, I am pleased to be a regular subscriber to The Lamron. This week's edition has made me, more than ever, increasingly proud of the work that you are doing.

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Letter to the Editor: InterVaristy's message skewed by article's mistake

To the editor,

There was an Interfaith Dialogue at the beginning of November, and I was one of the coordinators for the event. In the article in the Nov. 16 issue of The Lamron entitled "Interfaith Dialogue builds bridges, not walls betweed faiths" you listed me as saying:"Senior Chioma Chukwu, a coordinator from the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF), told Mahatma Ghandi's story of seven blind men in a room with one elephant.The story went that while all could feel the elephant in different ways, all were, in fact, feeling the same thing. Thus, the discussion was held under a context of education rather than preaching, of sharing rather than arguing."I just really wanted to clarify that I did not say that. One of the leaders of MSA, the Muslim group, said that. This quote goes against what our organization and religion believes. We believe that there is only one way to God and that is Jesus Christ. The dialogue was indeed a place for us to learn about the other religions, but we do not believe that they are "feeling the same elephant." That is definately bad for my name and my group's name just because that is not what we believe.

-Choma Chukwu

Letter to the Editor: Lima must back up criticisms of the United States

Professor Maria Lima's article, "U.S. a terrible example of free speech's ideals," in the Nov. 16, 2006 issue of The Lamron is an irresponsible use of free speech. Professor Lima is using the recent free speech controversy at Geneseo to promote her extreme political views to incite anti-U.S. sentiment among Geneseo students without informing or educating them.

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Letter to the Editor: Column title misrepresents piece

I feel that the title given to my piece in the Nov. 16 issue, "U.S. a terrible example of free speech's ideals," misrepresents it. I do believe in free speech - it is central to a true democracy

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Letter to the Editor: National health care means poor health care

In light of the recent midterm elections, I've been hearing a great deal of joy in regard to the switch in Washington from a Republican to a Democratic majority in the House and Senate. Ironically enough, this praise has been from self-declared liberals who cannot even define their standpoint on any other issues beside the war.

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