From attending high school baseball games to going to college hockey games to watching the Super Bowl with a group of friends, sports bring students and communities together even if they cannot be physically together, such as now due to COVID-19. English major and sports editor for The Lamron student newspaper junior Nicholas Widman is someone who informs the campus community about all sports updates—from school sports to the national leagues.
Widman explained what it is like to be the editor through an interview via email.
“I began writing because [I] spend most of my day watching and looking up stuff about sports and I’ve always wanted to be able to write about sports and like talk to people who enjoy them as much as I do,” Widman said.
Widman enjoyed writing for The Lamron previously and wanted to become the editor for the Sports section.
“I became the sports editor because I wrote consistently for The Lamron and I really started to like editing and wanted to learn more about it,” Widman said. “Also, [I knew as an editor that] I would have more freedom to write some more outside-the-box articles about sports which helped too.”
As an editor, Widman has more freedom to write what he wants. He also gets to practice and home in on his skills.
“My favorite thing is that I’m allowed to basically have free reign over what I write about. Not only that, but I get a lot of support and creative input from the editors. and I really think I’m improving with my writing and editing skills all the time,” Widman said.
Widman described the happy feeling he experienced as he strolled through the school’s campus for the first time; that is when he knew that Geneseo was the right choice for him.
“I just knew that Geneseo was the place for me when I first came here. I know that sounds cliché, [but I] came here on a visit and it felt right to me,” Widman said. “Also, I was kind of a huge nerd and still, so going to a school that was the Harvard of the SUNY’s sounded good to me.”
Widman is beginning to think about what he wants to do after Geneseo, which is possibly to further his education in writing.
“I want to either be a journalist or an editor when I graduate, and I’m beginning to start applying to some [graduate] schools now,” Widman said.
If you are interested in sports and want to keep up to date, you can check out the sports section in The Lamron to see what Widman and the other staff writers are covering.