Invasion of Privacy: The ins-and-outs of English with Rebecca Williamson

This article is far from the first of debut Rebecca Williamson, a senior English and communication double major, in The Lamron—getting an early start on her career, Williamson's writing has been published in the paper since 2017. This being said, there has been little coverage of Williamson herself.

As a mentor in the Department of Career Development, co-managing editor of Gandy Dancer, copy editor for The Lamron, president and campus correspondent of Her Campus at Geneseo and dancer for OGX Dance Team, it is astounding that Williamson even had time for this Zoom interview.

Williamson manages to juggle all these responsibilities as well as a double major in communication, with a concentration in journalism and media, and English, on the Creative Writing track. She enjoys writing for a variety of publications and has expanded her experiences working with different genres throughout her career at Geneseo.

"I came into the creative writing major as a fiction major, and I tried to define myself by that," Williamson said.

After working with lecturers of English and creative writing Jess Fenn and Sonya Bilocerkowycz in Advanced Creative Nonfiction workshops, Williamson developed a soft spot for creative nonfiction as well.

"It's really nerve-wracking, because you have to bear your truth more … but fiction is probably still my go-to—I like writing short stories and sometimes books."

Post-graduation this coming May, Williamson will have a few weeks to recuperate before attending the six-week virtual Columbia Publishing Course at the Columbia Journalism School.

"I'm excited because … I'll have an all-intensive, behind-the-scenes look at the publishing and media industries with a ton of guest speakers and fellow young professionals hoping to get into the industry," Williamson said.

After this course, Williamson plans to continue the search for editorial and agenting internships to help break her into the publishing world.

"I really loved helping my fellow writers in creative writing workshops and providing feedback to them," said Williamson. "I think that [editorial and agenting] are the two routes that I can do that the best with."

Despite the multitude of activities, assignments and plans that Williamson has to manage, she still makes time to feed a constant hunger for all things English-related. Her love of reading and writing takes up the vast majority of whatever free time she has in a day.

On the date of this interview, April 18, Williamson was hoping to finish Leigh Bardugo's Grisha trilogy by the Netflix adaptation release date of April 23. When we spoke at 2:00 p.m., Williamson had not yet started the first book, Shadow and Bone, but felt confident she could get it done that afternoon.

"I've always been a really fast reader—I can probably finish a book about this length in maybe a few hours if I just sit and read through it," said Williamson (Shadow and Bone is roughly 358 pages long). "I probably read more than at least two pages per minute."

Generally, Williamson enjoys reading romance, fantasy and young adult novels. If she could get brunch with any writer, it would be Chloe Gong, a 22-year-old author currently studying at the University of Pennsylvania.

"I'd love to learn more about being a young writer, and maybe get some spoilers for the sequel because [These Violent Delights] ended on a cliffhanger and it's not coming out until November."

Were the opportunity available, Williamson would also get pizza or Chinese food with Harry Styles.

Williamson cited her adoration of movie musicals as another manifestation of her enjoyment of music.

"I do love movie musicals, because I really love the singing aspect and just sometimes randomly breaking into song just makes me happy," Williamson said. "All the High School Musical movies are peak."

Beyond the extensive time Williamson spends on her studies and activities, she hopes to have time for future adventures such as traveling to England. Williamson wishes to someday visit London and participate in the many "touristy things" available there.

"I'm not quite sure when I became obsessed with England," Williamson said. "It probably happened during my One Direction phase that is still ongoing."

Besides London travels, Williamson hopes that her future involves living in one of the five boroughs of New York City, publishing and working as a freelance writer on the side.

"Overall, I just hope that wherever I am, I'm happy, and I'm doing things that I love."